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Bellisimo Stud 

Our Stud

Breeding Welsh Ponies

Since 2008

I estabileshed Bellisimo Stud in 2008, but my love for the Welsh breed dates back to the 1990s where I previously bred Welsh Mountain Ponies together with Toon Louwers under the prefix Heikant. One of our well-known foundation mares was Springbourne Crystal by Springbourne Boy Blue out of the beautiful Springbourne Croesan.


I myself admire the ponies from the stables of Idyllic, Islyn, Sunwillow, Heniarth and Thistledown and I also tried to lay a foundation for our breeding in 2009 by purchasing Sunwillow Berenice, one of the beautiful daughters of the famous Waxwing Hurricane out Sunwillow Luzzana, unfortunately she passed away one year later. Later Idyllic Mariposa, Idyllic Persona & Islyn Heulwen followed which form the basis for our stud.


We have already bred several champions in hand, staying true to our preferred type in different sections. 2011 brought us our first 'inhand' Winner 'Bellisimo Enjoy' which as a yearling stallion won our very first Bronze Overseas Medal and won the overall supreme championship at the WPCV Premium & Stallion Show. 2020 was a wonderful year with the approval of Bellisimo Eldorado (Thistledown Vierra x Idyllic Elena) who we sold as a foal in 2010 and now still appeared at the stallion approval 10 years later and is approved with a 1st premium. It was a great opportunity for us to use this 10-year-old son of the well bred Thistledown stallion for our own breeding. In 2013 Dycott Jessie J (Felinmor Ringmaster x Cledlyn Heulwen) was handed over in Section C. Not much later Llanidan Bossy Boots followed and we bred foals by Glebedale Razamataz with both mares. Because these two mares did not fit within our future vision, i decided to sell them. Both mares left for Hungary & Sweden. In 2019, Section C was picked up again with the arrival of Haygate Flo-Jo (Newgap apollo x Dhanak Prudence) & Dycott Well Chosen from the stunning Cargarsar Silver Shadow out Dycott The Heiress.

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Idyllic Persona by Heniarth Quip out Idyllic Privalova by Pendock Legend

© 2024 by Sander van der Putten

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